by: Co-Founder Tracy Deforge

I know that for a lot of parents out there that BACK TO SCHOOL means joy, and relief.  I am just not one of them.  As a working, entrepreneurial mom I already get so little time with my little ones.  The uncomplicated, simply magical days of summer are fleeting for me.  Too quickly along comes fall with its mixed bag of packing lunches, sports schedules, the morning rush and the dreaded homework!

Yes, there are some endless days of bickering, finger pointing and general household disruption when the short ones are not separated via classrooms everyday, but still, I favor the long summer nights filled with ice cream and star gazing.

I am pretty sure that back to school is as full of trepidation for me as my kids, if not more.  Who will their teacher be?  Will their friends be in their class?  Will they keep up?  What the heck will I pack for lunch?  How can I get them dressed, fed and out the door in time to make the train (and be lucky if I have all my parts on)?

I am rewarded though, with my daughter skipping the entire way to kindergarten and my son’s enormous hugs before he happily jumps up the stairs.  So, I put my brave face on and blow kisses of confidence, alas, another year begins.


My two little ones as they head off for the first day of school this year